Saturday 8 October 2022

My Soul Journey


                                                             My Soul Journey

“Life is a journey and it's about growing and changing and coming to terms with who and what you are, and loving who and what you are.” – Kelly McGillis, actor.

 The soul is our spiritual life force within us, encouraging us to move towards the desired goal with sheer determination. It holds the key to happiness and should be cherished and appreciated. As we get actively engage in some soul searching, we ponder over our purpose in life. This implies us to be true to our self and find meaning of our existence. Enthusiasm and positivity boost our moral, helping us to move towards our targeted goals. It signifies us to readily exert more effort to achieve what we truly want in life.

“To find peace in any moment all we need to do is respect our own soul”

As we begin to introspect on our own thoughts and feelings, we refocus our mind on the positive aspects of life. Consequently, this enhances our ability to understand our personality, behavior s and values. Self- reflection help us to come out from stress and melancholy moments we have experienced in the past. The past tormenting moments do bring darkness in life, it is a reality that those moments are difficult to forget but we have to stay alive for the good times. With contemplation, we learn to stay motivated and find true happiness within ourselves. Happiness comes naturally from inside. It’s all about changing our mindset. Therefore if we keep dwelling the past tormenting moments, life would suck us and would not let our soul to survive peacefully.

“When you think from your soul, you find a river moving in joy. Seek to that eternal joy and self-fulfillment.”

Happiness signifies enjoying freshness of present moment. We need to find those delicate small moments in our surroundings. It could be a party with friends, enjoying a cup of coffee with our best friend. Having deep talks with the closet friend is the therapy we need. As I believe opening up and sharing our piece of heart with a loving friend is the best way to heal. It makes us lively, gives hope to live and aspiration to begin a new life. The best moments in our life are when we pleasurable enjoy the loftiest moments with a dear friend, with whom we   share our tears and with whom we have laughed. A strong vibrant company make us feel sunshine pooling from our smile. We learn that contentment in life comes from the best company, the person who understands us. The person who can walk with us in every season, with whom we could enjoy the smallest moments in life. In a materialistic world, we always yearn for a sincere company .It is hardly to be found. I believe it’s the purity of the soul that matters. People with such souls are more elegant. Cherish such people because they are the true expression of love and affection.

May you find someone who already speaks the language of your true desires.  Because the language of your true desires is the language of your soul.”
― Lebo Grand

If you find yourself in a situation which you think cannot be changed, develop mind power to switch your mind to happy cheerful thoughts. I personally believe instead of chasing happiness, we need to cultivate contentment within ourselves. It is a truth that happiness cannot be attained through amenities and luxuries of life. They may be a source of temporary happiness but they cannot bring true happiness or peace of mind to us. We should begin to learn to live with passion, there is no happiness in having or in getting, but only in giving. So reach out to others and share small momentous moments in your surroundings. As it is rightly said that happiness is a perfume we cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on our self. Let us dream of tomorrow, a peaceful tranquil life where we can truly love from the soul.

Deep soul searching through meditating, practicing spirituality and introspection helps to develop self-care.  It implies us to love our self and foster happy moments .Life is too short. Therefore, we have a right to make wise choices, we have the power to rise above the struggles and shine amid the darkness. So do it now before life makes you regret. Once you have a positive frame of mind, your life begins to show a great difference. Your personality will bloom. Keep smiling and keep on trying to reclaim your life and achieve your loftiest goals in life.


Being happy is a choice. It’s not about luck. We always have control to how we feel. You don’t have to wait to be successful to feel contented. In your present-day situation, you can always choose to be happy and live a peaceful life It is true what we think and feel attract others as happiness is contagious. Once, you discover yourself who you really are, what you are meant to do in this life and what path may help you find true joy and happiness, believe me, you will find inner strength to deal with every challenge and obstacle life throws at you. This is the real moment in your life when you will come to know your passions and life purposes in life.  Hence, you will feel truly exultant and live a fulfilled life.

“Happiness is a journey, not a destination. Happiness is the way. So treasure every moment you have and remember that time waits for no one.”- Alfred D. Souza