Sunday 1 September 2024

Raise your voice, Spread Awareness, And Drive change! To Create a Sustainable Future for Women


Raise your voice, Spread Awareness, And Drive change! To Create a Sustainable Future for Women

“The change I want to see is a start-up environment where everyone, regardless of gender and background, feels welcome and safe; where sexual harassment or discrimination will not impede great talent from producing great impact.” - Christine Tsai

Any form of undesirable verbal, non-verbal, or physical conduct of a sexual nature to hurt a female or violate the dignity of a woman is defined as sexual harassment. High harassment cases have been reported worldwide. According to recent statistics by World Population Review, about 35% of women have experienced different forms of sexual harassment such as physical sexual harassment, verbal sexual harassment, and visual sexual harassment. Some countries have high rates of rape.  A local human rights organization Ain-o-Salish Kendra (ASK) in Bangladesh has speculated that during the year 2021- 2023, 11,682 rape incidents are testified including gang-rapes. In India, the number of rape cases has reached 22,172. While in Pakistan, sexual violence against women including rape and sexual harassment has highly increased. The issue of sexual violence has become a significant issue that needs a concrete solution.

 Global Gender Gap Index, 2024 has issued a recent report highlighting that Pakistan is ranked 145th out of 146 countries which shows the severity of rape issues in various cities. Lahore and Faisalabad have the greatest incidence of violence against women in the year 2023. The highest number of rape cases happened in Faisalabad was 6,624, followed by 728 rape incidents in Lahore. Consequently, the life and dignity of women are not safe as rape cases take place after every 45 minutes.

 It is still challenging to curb this rising menace as women around the world are continuously suffering from sexual assault. For instance, the ruthless rape and murder of a trainee doctor in a government hospital in Kolkata has led to an outpouring of rage and anger in the masses against the persisting sexual abuse and atrocities against females. NGO’s and human rights organizations continue to hold demonstrations, asserting government to seize culprits and the court should give extreme punishment. Moreover, they want the Act should be strictly promulgated to ensure the safety of healthcare practitioners and workers 

Despite that United Nations (U.N.) Millennium Goals have urged all global countries to take initiatives to promote gender equality and women's empowerment, yet two-thirds of the developing world has still not achieved women's equality. Women are constantly facing gender inequality and harassment issues in public places, workplaces, and educational institutes. Condemning the physical abuse towards womenfolk, women organizations across the globe have raised their voices. They believe that severe sexualized violence has reached epidemic proportions. Whether it is rape incidents occurring in a government hospital in Kolkata, India or abduction and rape cases of many teenage girls happening in place of work or educational institutes in Pakistan, molestation, gang rape, and other forms of offensive sexual advances have considerably risen globally.

 Living in a typically male-oriented society in Pakistan, ruthless men consider a woman a symbol of property that can be touched and misused as they like or harass women to fulfill their sexual needs. The offensive behaviors also include intimidation through looks, undesirable gestures, or using discriminatory comments to develop fear and insecurity in young girls.

Causes of Rape 

To know the real causes of the prevalence of rape crime, people should look at the issue from various perspectives. Each rapist has a different behavior and circumstances to commit the crime. For instance, anger rape takes place when a rapist uses brutality to express anger. Their rage behavior hurt the victim.  Power rape refers to an attacker’s offensive behavior who has no intention to harm the victim. Instead, he wants to own a girl sexually. Therefore, he uses force to sexually assault the girl. Another behavior is sadistic rape. The offender uses both sexuality and aggression to abuse a woman. The rapist gets satisfaction from abusing, and humiliating the girl.

Sexual harassment cases such as increasing rape cases in the workplace are terrifying for women. It is normally observed that professional office girls working in different sectors wear fashionable outfits, such as wearing short revealing dresses and properly fitted garments that objectify women's bodies. These glamorous clothes attract men and stimulate them to exhibit aggressive behaviors such as unwelcome sexual advances done through force, threat, or pressure. 

 Gender roles and values are learned at an early age at home, school, and through social environment. Young boys aged 5 to 9 years observe adults' appearances, activities, and behaviors. The harsh behavior of fathers tarnishes their personality and self-esteem. Resultantly, they develop negative traits, gender rigidity, and aggressive behaviors. College students from broken families such as parents living with marital conflicts, divorced or estranged from each other adopt negative stereotypical gender roles. As children internalize the negative behaviors, their personality gets influenced by the atrocious environment they are brought up. Consequently, it leads to adverse effects of stereotyping on their physical and intellectual competence.

The other common reasons observed for a high rate of rate crime are environmental factors such as toxic friendships, unsafe neighborhoods involved with antisocial behavior, and violent acts. Moreover, association with social groups also tends to victimize young boys provoking them towards committing physical abuse with women. Social media sites cause internet-related sex crimes such as physical abuse cases.  A group of male gangsters visit internet sites, including social media where teenage girls openly post their personal information. It includes online profiles, posts, and comments on online sites. The offenders start their interactions with the targeted victims through chat. They do comments on the posts, like and share their posts, and also check friend contact lists. Once, rapists develop familiarity and understanding with the victimized girl, they trap her in meetings. They choose a vulnerable place and use force and violence to sexually assault them.

Sexual assault and related traumas happen due to prevailing social issues. Unemployed young individuals having no income opportunities and social benefits develop dysfunctional behavior including depression and mental disorders. Reducing earning power causes serious implications such as getting involved in antisocial activities including abducting and sexually abusing females.


How to Prevent Sexual Assault in Society?


  Sexual violence including rape against women has extensively increased. The alarming rate of sexual abuse cases has triggered NGO’s and Women associations to speak up and address the issues on the social media platform. Women's rights organizations have created awareness among women, allowing them to know how to prevent themselves from physical abuse. The initial step is to report the rape case that happened in the workplace, educational institute, or public spaces.

 Regarding the prevention of sexual abuse in the workplace and educational institutions in Pakistan, the HR department and higher authorities have taken necessary initiatives to educate and inform students and employees about harassment behavior.  Female students and staff are encouraged to report harassment cases to HR and the admin department.

 To strongly combat the rape menace, harassment policies have been reviewed regularly by companies and educational institutions. The executives, managers, and employees are educated about the more subtle forms of sexual harassment through harassment training. The program reinforces the organization to adopt a positive approach and engage employees in nurturing a respectful culture in the workplace. The cordial environment allows staff members to understand workplace ethics.

 Women's rights organizations have urged that young girls and especially boys in higher education institutes should be provided with comprehensive sex education. It includes keeping unnecessary physical contact and knowing about maintaining a safe and positive relationship. Teenage girls and boys should be motivated to discuss ethical issues such as sex culture. Engaging in positive and healthy communication about sexuality helps them know their individual identity and sexual interests.

More rigorous strategies have been implemented at workplaces, universities, and colleges and the management has ensured that such unethical behavior will not be tolerated. The culprits will face harsh punishment and heavy charges according to the Harassment Act promulgated by the government of Pakistan.   

 Humanitarian organizations such as the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) have aligned worldwide organizational policies, and practices with United Nations approaches to prevent sexual exploitation against women. OCHA offices at headquarters, regional, and country levels have initiated country-wide advocacy, awareness programs, and other concrete measures to curb the rising sexual violence and discrimination against women.

 Core Humanitarian Standards (CHS)  in association with the UNO protection policy, Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA)   have taken strong initiatives to work together to build a safer aid system for the social well-being of women. The advocacy program includes encouraging community members to share their physical harassment experiences and challenges. The experts provide recommendations to prevent sexual abuse in the workplace. Countrywide campaigns also include organizing webinars, and conferences emphasizing the need to grow awareness in young people regarding sexual assault and adopt strict measures to reduce sexual abuse and harassment incidences.

On the global level, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) has developed a policy on the prevention of sexual harassment, abuse, and discrimination. The UNFPA Policy on harassment has established a network of workplace facilitators and partner organizations that address sexual exploitation and abuse across the international level. The advocacy program is currently running in 12 countries. The program expresses the principle of zero tolerance for various crimes, including sexual exploitation and abuse.

 Another initiative is taken by WHO and UN Women with certification from 12 other UN and bilateral agencies. Working in collaboration they have established a strong framework known as RESPECT women. The aim is to prevent physical abuse and violence against women and promote the social and economic well-being of women. The framework supports women from all over the world, providing them with social empowerment and psychosocial support to help them lead a better quality of life.

 To bring radical changes in society, the global states, women's organizations, and NGOs should collaborate and promulgate effective legislation, laws, and policies that impose harsh punishments for adultery and rape. The laws ensure the safety and protection of women against physical assault. Provide support to victimized women by making easy access to legal laws to seek justice.

As physical abuse and rape incidents have become a global issue, the government of Pakistan has taken serious measures to tackle the harassment and rape cases at educational institutions and workplaces.
Initiatives have been taken to improve the existing rape laws.  The Women’s Protection Act was earlier reformed, the law reconsidered various factors causing rape and addressed a broader range of sexual offenses. More practical and resourceful legislation is required that prevents physical abuse and brings equitable adjustment of social and economic rights of women in the workplace and society.

 Summing up

There is a dire need to develop awareness in young women and men regarding the causes that lead to physical harassment and rape.  Instead of living in silence and fear, women are required to speak up against the physical violence and harassment they face in the workplace, universities, and colleges.

 Let’s join hands and take strong actions to eliminate physical harassment from workplaces, communities, and institutions.  A strong and resilient role of women's groups and organizations has emerged as a hope for women, encouraging them to raise their voices against social injustice. Moreover, their continuous efforts have urged the government to stop physical harassment in public places and organizations and ensure the safety, and well-being of women.





Sunday 9 June 2024

The book review Hidden Half


The Book Review

 "Hidden Half: How the World Conceals its Secrets" 

 Michael Blastland

"The Hidden Half: How the World Conceals its Secrets" by Michael Blastland explores the concept of hidden information and how it influences decision-making and understanding in various aspects of life.


Significant  lessons from the book:

 The Illusion of Understanding: Blastland challenges the notion that we fully understand the world around us. He argues that much of what we think we know is based on incomplete or misleading information.

  Hidden Information: There is a vast amount of information that remains hidden or inaccessible to us. This hidden information can have significant implications for decision-making and outcomes.

 Complexity and Uncertainty: The world is complex and uncertain, making it challenging to fully grasp the underlying mechanisms and dynamics at play in various phenomena.

Limits of Prediction: Predicting future events or outcomes is inherently difficult due to the complexity of the systems involved and the presence of hidden factors that influence outcomes.

 Unintended Consequences: Our actions often have unintended consequences that we may not anticipate. Blastland explores how hidden information can lead to unforeseen outcomes and unintended consequences.

 Probability and Risk: Understanding probability and risk is essential for making informed decisions. Blastland examines how hidden information can distort our perception of risk and lead to flawed decision-making.

 Biases and Heuristics: Human judgment is influenced by cognitive biases and heuristics that can lead to systematic errors. Blastland discusses how hidden information can exacerbate these biases and distort decision-making.

 Transparency and Accountability: Increased transparency and accountability can help uncover hidden information and mitigate its impact on decision-making and outcomes.

 The Need for Humility: Blastland emphasizes the importance of humility in the face of uncertainty and hidden information. Acknowledging our limitations and the limitations of our knowledge can lead to more cautious and nuanced decision-making.

 The Pursuit of Truth: Despite the challenges posed by hidden information, Blastland advocates for the pursuit of truth and knowledge. He encourages readers to remain curious, skeptical, and open-minded in their quest for understanding.

 Hence, these lessons from "The Hidden Half" emphasizes complexities of decision-making, the limitations of human understanding, and the importance of humility and skepticism in navigating a world filled with hidden information.

Friday 31 May 2024

Book review: Captivating: Unveiling the Mystery of a Woman's Soul

 Book Review


Captivating: Unveiling the Mystery of a Woman's Soul  

By John Eldredge

"When a woman rises in glory, her energy is magnetic and her sense of possibility contagious." -Marianne Williamson

Feminine soul empowers women to harness their wisdom, strength, and intuitive energies from their childhood to adulthood.  As women grow up, they nurture their feminism by developing idealized feminine attributes such as beauty, tenderness, love, softness, sensitivity, emotions, vulnerability, nurturing, and support for others.  Women form a deepening relationship with their dream world as it is observed that young girls imagine a joyful life with a sense of fulfillment and happiness. The dream reflects their inner desires and aspirations to live an accomplished life. Reclaiming the power of their senses, emotions, and feelings leads to spiritual awareness in women.  The energetic awareness helps women exhibit sobriety, firmness, and perseverance to face the ordeals of life. Being mentally strong helps them overcome the traumas in life.

 However, it is a harsh reality that even educated families hardly recognize the significance of feminism and women's aspirations. Their key preference is to follow their traditional family customs and trends. The girls brought up in a strict masculine-centric culture, lose their feminism, hopes, and dreams, and fail to embrace their higher self. Since families fail to understand their emotional state of mind, their attributes, and skills, these helpless girls are unable to live a vibrant life. 

Amidst dejection, darkness, and hopelessness, some girls reclaim a path of transformation by tapping into their divine feminine energy. It helps them stand up for what they believe in, remain proud, and be unbothered by what others say or think about their behavior and life patterns. Consequently, they stay true to their self. Their mental strength positively impacts their life, allowing them to have awesome relationships, and live an enchanted, blissful, and contented life.

 God has set within us a powerful femininity that is powerful and tender. The paradigm of universal motherhood reflects strong feminine figures' receptivity, patience, and ability to listen and show love, care, and affection to others. Being optimistic, women develop a growth mindset that helps them inculcate good vibes and positivity in every aspect of life.

John Eldredge, an American author, counselor, teacher, and preacher at Ransomed Heart. He has gained a high reputation within the Christian community as a leading author. In his previous books including Wild at Heart, John addresses issues concerning men. Captivating marks a new phase in Eldredge's ministry, as the book is specifically written for women. The book reflects the divine feminine qualities of women as the novel promises to uncover the mystery of a woman’s soul. This book is co-written by Eldredge’s wife, Stasi, and it represents her first publication.

Reading this book will help you cultivate a courageous attentiveness to your inner self. The author provides valuable tools for restoring the link between feminine spirituality and social change. 

As the author says, "You are powerful, beautiful, and strong. You are worthy to be loved. The essence of a woman is Beauty. She is meant to be the incarnation—our experience in human form—of a Captivating God."  (pg. 130).

Most women think they have to settle for a life of responsibility and fulfilling obligations. However, the book reclaims women's sacred feminine, attributes. The book explicates three essential aspects of a woman's life. First, she yearns to be loved and romanced, secondly, her fondness to experience adventures and thrilling things in life and lastly, unveils the hidden beauty, compassion, and contemplation that connects her with the divine feminine. Consequently, tapping into the divine grace of the feminine suggests women to define their emotions, re-feel and re-experience everything in the present moment   All women aspire to attain these life core values. If they deny experiencing them, it surely indicates a sterile, and barren life, a state of solitude and emptiness that prevents them from living a meaningful life. 

According to the author’s interpretation, women who are preoccupied with work or busy routines, have no time to rest, reflect, and rejuvenate. They begin to lose vibrancy and energy and experience a vacuum of isolation, and despondency in life. Women get extremely busy that they have no time to pray or to meditate about God's truth. Consequently, it makes them spiritually barren, lose hope in life, and leave them unprepared to encounter big challenges in their fast-paced world. So, how do they overcome their guilt and frustration and live a fulfilled life.?

The book comprehensively reflects on this empowering concept by letting women make a to-do list. "Do these ten things, and you will be a godly woman." Begin with enjoying and mingling with groups of people to share your feelings, emotions, blissful moments, grief, and woes. Search for activities that reconnect you with yourself.  The fundamental feminist attributes that most women fail to embrace are love, joy and creativity sensuality, physical pleasure, and self-care. Though it is their birthright to attain these divine feminine energies, being captivated by worldly possessions and busy life schedules won't allow them to invest their quality time and focus on the things that matter in life and make their life invigorated.

The bestseller, John and Stasi Eldredge shared their story and exhibited how to set your heart free and enjoy the life journey. Being mindful of the present, and leaving the past wounds, sorrows, and troubles. Just reflect and live your present moments with truth, openness, and faith. It rejuvenates your inner self and helps you gain absolute ecstasy.

The book explicits about embracing womanhood. Inculcating cardinal virtues such as kindness, simplicity, compliance, patience, and resilience indicates that the woman embraces the fullness of her life experiences. Some young girls experience extreme traumas in life, the wounds distort a woman's self-image and prevent her from articulating her true femininity. To gain mental ease, Eldredge urges women to recognize divinity and embark on a spiritual healing journey.  Spirituality encourages women to turn to Christianity and seek God's lasting love to heal their sufferings. The mystery of the feminine heart exhibits how God's love and truth help women remain resilient, and gain salvation. She chooses to live in the present moment and moves forward with fortitude and strength. Embrace the inherent power, freedom, and beauty that she possesses.

As a woman grows older, she gracefully nurtures her life by upholding modesty, and compassion. She continues to strive to awaken her powerful feminine heart, filled with God's unfailing love. Her soul becomes the embodiment of purity and summons every woman to believe in herself and know their captivating beauty, and powerful strength. 

In the end, the author emphasizes,

Let Captivating help you discover the woman you were meant to be! Your inner beauty, unwavering loyalty, integrity, compassion, and strength truly define your virtues of womanhood. How you influence the world and empower other women’s dreams and aspirations by exhibiting your wisdom and sharing your life’s intimate, transformative, and healing experiences. This is what actually a woman yearns for a high vision to gain power, strength, freedom, and beauty. Thus, it paves the way for a woman to live a vibrant and contented life and become truly captivating.


Saturday 16 December 2023

Book Reviews You Aspire To Read


Book Reviews You Aspire To Read

  Chain Gang All Stars by Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah

“Like Orwell’s 1984 and Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale, Adjei-Brenyah’s book presents a dystopian vision so…illuminating that it should permanently shift our understanding of who we are and what we’re capable of doing.” —The Washington Post

If you enjoy reading action and mystery novels, you will find some thrilling bloodthirsty scenes of the prison inmates in the novel. The author, Adjei-Brenyah competently pens down thrilling and dramatic scenes, illustrating fighting scenes. The book uses allegory to emphasize the themes of freedom, revolt, and moral disgust in the novel. The fighting and action scenes show that the prisoners are engaged in fighting for freedom. While some viewers relate that the scenes represent the author’s sports writing. Having a strong and captivating plot and theme, the book is widely read. Many viewers consider the book as an act of protest against social discrimination and the mass incarceration system with its brutalities and injustice taking place in the present-day racial caste system.

The settings of the novel illustrate that the author does not set forth the story in the future instead, he describes the harsh realities of societies. The novel shows how a private consortium called CAPE (Criminal Action Penal Entertainment) produces contests of convicted murderers before a packed captivated audience. The novel portrays two successful and compelling women fighters known as Loretta Thurwar and Hamara Stacker. These two women are regarded as the stars of ChainGang All-Stars. They also laid the foundation of CAPE, a disputable profit-raising program in America that dominated the private prison industry. The book shows that gladiators and prisoners are competing for their ultimate prize; fighting for freedom and liberty.

In CAPE, prisoners travel as Links in ChainGangs, competing in death matches for packed arenas with righteous protestors at the gates. Thurwar and Stax, both teammates and lovers, are the fan favorites. The story explains what was the significance of her first fight, and how has her character changed since then. What was the purpose that kept her fighting? As the story builds up, it will thrill the audience. She prepared to leave her fellow links as she considered how she might help save humanity. But CAPE’s corporate owners will stop at nothing to protect their status quo and create the obstacles that lead to devastating consequences. 

The story is filled with excitement and adventure. From moving from the Links in the field to the protestors to the CAPE employees and beyond, the book condemns the American prison system based on racism, unchecked capitalism, baseless detention, and imprisonment. The book offers a clear American society voice concerning the ongoing scientific advancements that have led to the violent conditions experienced by the prisoners. The novel portrays the violent conditions faced by the prisoners in the experimental prisons.

The story is told through a fragmented narrative style. The literary choice of words highlights the impact of solitary confinement on our minds. A thorough reading of the book will help you come across the theme of truths and lies and dishonesty.  Role of capitalism in the carceral system today. Reading this novel will make you aware of the carceral system in a state. The system explains how the carceral state shapes and organizes society and culture through policies and using strong surveillance to control criminalization and help prevail the rule of law in the state. Furthermore, the carceral system improves the conditions of the prison-industrial complex and prison labor. Consequently, they aim to improve the role of law enforcement agencies to make it transparent and organized. Thus, the novel’s dramatization will allow readers to reflect on the real-life implications of this system.


 The Depth of Being


The book, The Depth of Being opens with an explanatory tone, emphasizing that stillness is the key underlying part of all existence and nonexistence. The intuitive writing by Peter O’Gorman is to help people know what is real in the universe. As they contemplate deeply, they learn that stillness awaits inside each Being, subtle, and profound, and allowing each Being to grow spiritually and materially and achieve personal growth. The book is written to understand the growing need for stillness in modern society; it is the ultimate source of rejuvenation, renewal, and creation.

Readers will be inspired to know the importance of stillness and its “attainable path that leads to demonstration of absolute Truth. Peter O’Gorman believes that entering stillness enables you to learn about the cycle of existence. Absolute truth expounds that the conceptual creation is within stillness. Each new cycle is created upon the previous creation with modifications and represents a more refined creation as conceived within stillness.

The book goes into depth by explaining the absolute truth of Existence and it expounds that in existence all material beings consist of the essence and have its specific expression. The essence of existence is experienced equally by all Beings following their distinct attributes. Furthermore, every new cycle explains the Absolute Truth of God’s parameters of Being as conceived in the stillness. God is one of the absolute, God operates within nature. God is a separate entity. The forces of Nature set the parameters of Existence within which God’s Truth is materialized. The author expounds that God is not perfect. Whenever we see God's existence, we see God is reborn improved from the last time by stillness. This further explains that when God’s current potential for perfection has been achieved, God disperses into nonexistence. During this period, the quality of perfection is achieved within the Stillness. Although God is not omnipotent, God’s supremacy and consciousness extend throughout the universe. It represents a unique aspect and perfection of God’s existence.

The next chapter explains that with God’s continuous expansion, each Being is comprised of component Beings, and All Beings possess an inherent awareness of God’s Truth and represent one aspect of God’s truth. Based on their unique attributes, the Beings develop distinct strengths to attain their passions and aspirations. Having God’s direct guidance assists individual Beings in awakening to their inner Divinity and spirituality. As individuals gain divinity, Beings are awakened by revelations of Truth. the entire universe is created with life forms maturing from Beings of singularity into Beings. This shows that God’s Truth flows freely through the Stillness pervading Material beings leading to Harmony of Oneness.

While reading about love, the readers learn that love is the pure and profound emotion that shapes our Existence. Love is the foundation of all positive energy as it adds meaning to our life and develop a feeling of intense attraction and intimacy toward each other. We yearn to give them all our love and to receive all their Love in return.

Within stillness, we learn that beauty is an evoking feeling of attraction for all life forms. All Beings choose to live within their beauty and attract the beauty around them. This also explains that spiritual beauty can be appreciated in the surroundings; spiritual beauty flows from the union of individual Spirit with the presence of God, and it awakens the Spirit and develops their divine beauty. Stillness is the art of finding inner peace, and it saves us from physical, spiritual, and mental chaos. Stillness revives our soul and allows us to release our thoughts and feelings by experiencing them. Within the stillness, we learn to deal with emotions.

“Within yourself is a stillness, a sanctuary to which you can retreat at any time and be yourself.” -Hermann Hess


To feel God’s presence and love, we must bring our life to a state of stillness. By practicing stillness, you will feel the presence of God, and feel loved by God. Feeling this love creates the awareness that the Spirit of God indwells you, and it brings profound peace, and calmness to you. Eternal Bliss results from feeling close to God. It is a spiritual emotion originating from our awakening to the truth of our inherent divinity. Our Divine purpose is to become obligated to God to help God become more perfect and provide God with a full expression of developing unique aspects of Truth. As we  emphasize God’s understanding of Absolute Truth in our lives, the increased divinity physically and mentally rejuvenates our souls and fills our lives with the eternal joy and love we have been longing for

The Guest List by Lucy Foley

The mystery-thriller novel is set on an island off the coast of West Ireland. The book gathers lively and vibrant characters that play a unique part in building an atmosphere of mystery, adventure, and suspense in the story.  The story begins on a small island off the coast of West Ireland, all the guests reached the venue to attend this fabulous wedding event. Both the bride and groom are online magazine publishers. The celebrity’s relatives, fans, and followers joined the ceremony and enjoyed it with great zeal and excitement. The bride in her fancy clothes attracted all the guests. However, no one knew that the wedding scene would be ruined by a murder mystery. Suddenly, strong winds began blowing and a fierce storm appeared. A scene of confusion and disorder prevailed; the guests collided with one another. During this turmoil, the lights went and complete darkness prevailed. Amidst this bleakness, a body was found lying under a chair.

From page one, the readers got involved with the story, as the mystery intensified, the readers screamed while reading the nerve-shaking scenes. They could imagine a body with blood on the ground. As the story builds up, the author demonstrates a set amount of characters present at the event were indirectly involved with the murder. For instance, William's old boarding school friends and Jules's close friends and relatives, the story portrays many secrets and conspiracies that caused the brutal assassination.

Towards, the end of the story the old secrets are revealed, and the readers are enthused to know the real culprit who did the crime and why. The audience also did their speculation and tried to figure out who was the murderer. All the characters acted with consistency and maintained the tone of dramatic suspense and thrill in the story from the first page to the last.

If you desire to read an interesting and exciting piece of writing this weekend, you can grab an adventure and action-based novel, known as The Guest List that will draw your attention towards exhilarating scenes, thrilling plots, and stimulating characters.

The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks

The Notebook is a sentimental story about the enduring power of love. A true sentimental story of miracles that will stir your heart to keep scrolling the pages to read the entire book. The story is set within the somber beauty of coastal North Carolina in 1946. The romantic novel excites the readers from the first page as it shows Noah Calhoun, a rural Southerner returning home from World War II. Noah, thirty-one, remembered the images of the beautiful girl he met fourteen years back. He still had profound feelings for her. During all these years, he kept searching for her but unfortunately could not find her. He kept remembering the beautiful summertime moments they spent together. Noah made all efforts to find her, but ultimately, he lost hope and began living with the fond memories.  

The story took a sharp turn! The readers grew more excited to see the unexpected return of the protagonist, Allie Nelson in the town where Noah lives. Twenty-nine years old young and attractive girl was seen by people wandering in the streets of North Carolina.  She was engaged to another man, but could not forget her true love for Noah. Over the past years, she spent every moment remembering her intimate relationship with Noah. As she was engaged to another man, and her marriage was only weeks away, Allie’s heart sank in despondency. She desired she could end this relationship and live her dream life with her true love.

 Like a puzzle within a puzzle, the story of Noah and Allie is impactful for the readers. Their tale is a deeply moving portrait of love itself, the tender moments, and fundamental changes that affect us all. Shining with a beauty that is rarely found in current literature, The Notebook establishes Nicholas Sparks as a classic storyteller who rouses true emotions, passion, and sentiments in readers. Many romantic lovers developed an emotional bond with the book, weeping and sobbing while reading the heart-throbbing novel.

 The Girl on the Train by PAULA HAWKINS

“Hawkins’s taut story roars along at the pace of, well, a high-speed train. …Hawkins delivers a smart, searing thriller that offers readers a 360-degree view of lust, love, marriage, and divorce.”—Good Housekeeping  


After reading a few interesting pages of this exciting psychological thrillers book, you will feel deeply involved in the story. The captivating storyline, pace, and climax will keep you astounded and engross your mind to read the entire book.


The story begins with a girl named Rachel traveling on the same train to London every morning. During her brief journey, she deeply observes people and things in her surroundings. For instance, she noticed the row of gardens with blooming flowers, and their aroma stunned every passenger. She looked at the houses passed by and had an earnest desire to know the people who lived in those houses. At a particular moment when the train slows down, she becomes more obsessed with talking to the travelers and learning about their woes and life circumstances.


Every day, the train reduces speed at a junction, where Rachel always sees a couple named Jess and Jason sitting and enjoying their happier moments on their terrace. They lived at the house outside the train window where the train usually stopped for a few minutes on the red signal. While deeply immersed in watching them, it reminded her of the cheerful time she spent with her husband before her divorce. The houses evoked her past memories filled with intimacy, fondness, and fantasy. She became a borderline alcoholic as she couldn’t conceive, and her husband developed relations with another woman with whom he now has a baby and they are living in the same old house.

One morning when the train stopped at the same red signal, she observed something unusual. The things were not the same and she felt something strange. Her nerves began shattering as she kept thinking about Jess and Jason. The train began to move fast, however, she was determined to find the mystery. The narrative portrays that Rachel became a part of their lives. Although unsure of what exactly happened with the couple, she felt restless and went to a law enforcement agency to solve the mystery. She became involved with the investigation and helped the police to resolve the secret.

According to the author’s interpretation, when Rachel notices something unsettling from her window one morning, it leads to a chilling series of events that make her question whom she can trust in her life. Furthermore, getting involved with the life of Jess and Jason compelled her to contemplate her life. It leads her to develop a deeper understanding of her emotions, knowing who she is and her purpose of living.

The book is full of mysteries and thrilling adventures that keep the audience engaged in the story. The book comes up as a masterpiece in character development, strong storyline, action curiosity, and climax. The Girl on the Train is Hawkins’s first psychological thriller novel that is well-written and skillfully constructed. It is a thought-provoking story about the power of memory, intimate betrayals, the harsh realities of love and obsession, despair, fear, and envy.

“Gripping, enthralling—a top-notch thriller and a compulsive read.”—S. J. Watson, New York Times–bestselling author of Before I Go to Sleep

Monday 25 September 2023

Can Chat GPT Capture the IT Industry?


Can Chat GPT  Capture the IT Industry?

I wouldn't be surprised 50 years from now, people looked back and said wow that was a ground-breaking set of inventions that happened in the early 2020s. “AI has become more and more global. This trend cannot be stopped,” stated Dakuo Wang, associate professor and researcher at Northeastern University. Conducting his extensive research on human-computer interaction and artificial intelligence, he opines that whoever has not used the public version of ChatGPT, should try learning it. It is called AI literacy. People are required to start learning how this app works. It will give them an idea of what AI can and cannot do. It will help relieve their concerns about AI taking over the world or reducing job opportunities for humans. AI will change the lifestyle including work and jobs. But it will not replace humans. More productive people who embrace AI will improve their creativity and potential in comparison to those who are reluctant to learn how it works.

Being the center of social media and business community, this AI bot got 1 million signs up in just 5 days after its launch. The Chat GPT app became popular gradually. According to AI experts, Chat GPT gained a record of 28 million daily visits till Jan 2023. The AI-powered app has instantaneously reached a broad audience exceeding Google, TikTok, and Instagram. OpenAI introduced ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence (AI) Chabot on November 30, 2022. Primarily, the function of  ChatGPT was to impersonate a human communicator and provide accurate responses to answers across various domains including education, music, social media, history, or technology. Since then users have begun using ChatGPT for various purposes including content writing for business, marketing, and health domains. From education to life care to home entertainment, ChatGPT has displayed its unique intelligence by offering remarkable personalized experiences to people.  In a world of digital technology, this incredible AI app is facilitating people in every area of life


What Are the Possible Benefits of Using ChatGPT?

One of the significant advantages of using ChatGPT is to deliver unique personalized services. When a human places a question or statement, ChatGPT processes the user’s input by searching the database to find relevant material to formulate detailed and informative content as required by the user. The text appears similar to human-generated context.

If you are a blogger and seeking ideas to compile a blog, ChatGPT will provide an overview of the required topic promptly. Consequently, it makes it easier for writers to begin working on the project. Moreover, if you require more detail concerning the topic, you can propose brief prompts or questions. AI language model will regenerate its response based on new ideas. If you require a short response, you can stop the app to generate more content.

AI assistants help in creating new codes for programming languages. AI applications help create a variety of model codes for students who are learning modules of a program. Consequently, the programmers learn to develop codes as required.

Companies are employing ChatGPT to develop a collective report that provides updated information on the industry, using online resources. Consequently, using ChatGPT makes market surveys easier for organizations. Moreover, the application also helps create marketing content including brochures, flyers, and ads. Thus, combining updated information gathered through various sources from the internet, AI-powered applications help companies boost their online visibility.With ChatGPT, companies have improved their customer service system. AI ChatGPT integrated with their business applications provides written or verbal responses to customers' rising queries and offers radical solutions that keep customers satisfied with the company’s services.

Disadvantages of using ChatGPT

One of the major issues that ChatGPT faces is limited knowledge reach. Though it has access to review different online sites to gather large data, however, the application is limited to events and proceedings that happened in 2021. If users ask for any recent event or first-hand information from the year 2023, the application makes excuses for not providing the relevant content. Instead, it offers generic information. Many users have indicated errors in responses such as repetitive ideas or extreme usage of adjectives in sentences that diminish the quality of the text. Moreover, AI cannot define complex human emotions and is unable to recognize language patterns, human feelings, and sentiments. It cannot develop content that depicts human preferences, interests or dislikes, or changing lifestyles. As it is AI-generated content, it cannot develop any content of its own, or add any new idea to make text appear meaningful. Consequently, the content looks irrational and absurd.

Another limitation of this application is that it can assist mobile app developers in the process of app development, but it cannot write the code for them. Therefore, many IT experts expound that the ChatGPT mechanism with its limitations lacks the capacity to create a custom-built application of its own and consequently, might not take over the IT industry in the future.

 What are the Future Trends with ChatGPT?

The possibilities identified are that ChatGPT is free and offers significant assistance to app developers. They can use this technology to analyze the modern trends in app development. Moreover, ChatGPT provides written codes for programmers. However, it lacks the capacity to test and check the applicability of the code. Since it does not have an internal testing module, ChatGPT unable to validate the written codes. So designers have to reevaluate the codes using other technical tools.

According to specialists, innovations are going on in improving ChatGPT capabilities to make it more functional and efficient. It is expected that this application will dominate the entire IT industry in the upcoming years.


ChatGPT is an advanced language model that has been trained to create a diverse range of text generated through websites. The advanced version incorporated with the organization’s website improves customer service. However, the application has shortcomings too. It may create incorrect information that may not resonate with users’ preferences and choices.  Moreover, it helps developers to know about the steps of app development, the designing process, coding, and the process of publishing the app. It also helps in expediting the app development process. But it cannot build an app of its own. Additions are in progress to improve the functions of the ChatGPT application. According to IT analysts, ChatGPT might conquer the IT industry soon.